5 Tips For Staying Within Your Budget At The Mall

Holiday shopping doesn’t have to end up blowing your budget. If you plan ahead and make sure to shop smart, you can make sure that you stay within your budget when shopping for holiday gifts for your friends and family. When you can successfully stay within your budget, you can easily get back to enjoying the holiday season for the time of generosity and love that it is!


  1. Make A Plan Before You Leave

It’s all too easy to get distracted by all the sale signs and beautifully decorated holiday window displays while shopping at the mall. Instead of going to impulse buys, make a plan of the gifts you’d like to give to your loved ones before heading out to the shopping centers. And don’t forget to write it down! Hey if Santa’s making a list, you might as well too! Making a plan will help you stay on track, especially if you have an idea of cost per gift, which will help you to figure out how much flexibility you have in your budget.


  1. Don’t Visit The Food Court

While the delicious scent of freshly baked pretzels might try to lure you in, avoid hitting up the food court while shopping at the mall. Food vendors at the mall charge slightly higher prices than if you were to visit their locations outside of the shopping center, making the food court an easy place to blow your budget. While taking a snack break or grabbing an iced coffee to go might seem harmless, every dollar spent on food is a dollar less to put towards your long list of gifts. Be smart, eat before you go and stash a water bottle in your purse for later.



  1. Consider What You Already Have

Of course, when you’re out shopping for everyone else, you might feel the urge to pick up a little something for yourself. It’s okay to treat yourself too, just remember what things you already have. Maybe you’re looking for a new outfit for your upcoming office holiday parties…try to think of what items you already own that you can mix and match into a new outfit. If you absolutely must buy something new for the party, try to pick something that works with clothing or accessories you already own, rather than splurging on an entirely new outfit. Your budget will thank you for taking a moment to consider what you already own and how something new can easily fit in.


  1. Comparison Shop

One of the biggest mistakes mall shoppers make is to buy a desirable item they see in the first shop they find it. While finding a great item can feel like a success, you may sometimes end up overpaying for things when you could have easily found it for a cheaper price just a few shops down the line. Take your time to visit multiple stores before deciding on your final purchase. If you get caught in a spot where you already purchased an item at a higher price and then find it cheaper later, see if you can return the first purchase. It never hurts to take a second look and a moment to compare prices!

  1. Watch For Sales & Check The Clearance Rack

Your mailbox will most likely hold some sales newsletters from your favorite shopping spots this holiday season. Be sure to consult these to find out when the gifts you want to purchase are going on sale. Planning out your shopping trip during a big sale can be the difference between affording a bigger ticket item or having to shop small for the holidays. Take advantage of the clearance or sale rack in every store you visit. It doesn’t hurt to just check out what they have – you might find the deal of a lifetime…but only if you make sure to look!


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